How To Apply

Students in the Psychology BA apply to this program during the spring semester of their junior year. Students must have a faculty sponsor who has agreed to mentor the student’s master’s project research during the four-semester program. A 3.5 GPA is required.

To apply, submit a +1 Application.

Candidates will be asked to submit the following along with their application.

Supporting Materials

Application to the Graduate School

During the spring of their senior year, students who are admitted to the 4+1 Program must then apply to the Graduate School for formal admission to the graduate program. More information about applying to the Graduate School is included below.

Application Deadline

The program application deadline is March 1.

Applications are not evaluated until after the deadline has passed.

If you are currently an undergraduate student in Psychology at Temple University, apply online to this graduate program. The Psychological Research MS program is open only as an accelerated +1 program for Psychology undergraduate students at Temple University. It is expected that the program will open to non-Temple students in the future, but that time frame has not yet been determined.


The following staff member can assist you with any questions you may have about the admissions process. 

Sandra Sepulveda‐Kozakowski is the program director.